In the serene coastal town of Boynton Beach, Florida, there resides a remarkable woman
whose life story is a testament to the transformative power of faith, resilience, and determination. Raquel Granger, the CEO of Redeemed Global Ministries and a Travel Specialist with Planet Marketing, has embarked on a unique path that marries her deep spiritual calling with a worldly profession. Her journey is a radiant beacon of hope and inspiration.
Raquel's educational journey began with a high school diploma, supplemented by some college experience. Yet, her true education, she would discover, came from life's trials and tribulations.
Two years ago, Raquel answered the divine calling to ministry, igniting a passion to heal, deliver, and set people free through the Word of God. Her ministry serves as a profound testament to her resilience, determination, and unwavering faith—a mighty woman of God, indeed.
Her life and business philosophy are firmly rooted in the divine principle of decency and order as prescribed by God. It's a principle that guides her actions, ensuring that her ministry and her work as a Travel Specialist are anchored in integrity, purpose, and compassion.
Raquel's greatest life lesson is a profound one: to trust God in all things. It's a lesson she learned through the trials of her own life, a lesson that has since become the cornerstone of her ministry.
While her short-term ministry goal is to touch lives and transform souls through her spiritual calling, her long-term aspiration is to establish a women's shelter and rehabilitation center—a sanctuary where the broken find healing, and the lost discover purpose.
One of Raquel's most profound achievements to date is her personal victory over addiction. For six years, she has remained clean from crack cocaine—a testament to her inner strength and her unwavering faith in God's transformative power.
Raquel draws inspiration from her grandmother, who serves as both her business and personal role model. Her grandmother's life was a testament to the essence of womanhood, leaving an indelible mark on Raquel's own journey.
What keeps Raquel awake at night is the burning desire to help others find their purpose and live the life that God intended for them. Her professional passion lies in witnessing individuals embrace their divine calling.
Surprisingly, Raquel possesses a natural gift for teaching, imparting wisdom and hope to those who seek her guidance. Others often turn to her for encouragement, finding empowerment to continue striving for greatness.
In the field of ministry, Raquel firmly believes that differentiation should not come from competition but from the unique life experiences and processes that shape each minister. Her authenticity and genuine dedication to her calling set her apart.
Financial challenges are among the obstacles she faces, but they do not deter her from her mission. Raquel sees her role in this world as a vessel for sharing her testimony—a powerful testament to the potential of redemption and transformation through faith.
Her ultimate hope is to be remembered as a living testimony—a beacon of hope for those who have lost their way. In her words, "No matter what I've been through, God can do anything but fail." Raquel Granger is a living testament to the boundless grace of God, a living example of resilience, and an inspiration to all who cross her path.